Monday, May 08, 2006

How do you sleep?

Given my exemplary history of laziness, one would think that falling asleep shouldn't be too tough a task for me. Unfortunately that has never been the case.

In my 26 years of existence, I still haven't mastered the art of falling asleep. I am not talking about dozing off in class rooms or cubicles. Those are involuntary actions. But just lying down, and...poof...falling asleep? Beyond me. Totally.

I also have a problem of getting up. Actually waking up is also a problem, but since the "getting up" is more arduous, I tend to ignore the "waking up" part. But I have come up with some sort of a solution to this. And snoozing the alarm clock isn't it. One needs to hear the alarm ring to actually press the god-sent snooze button. My sleep is too sound for sound to get through.

I have 5 alarms set. It is just a matter of sheer luck that the 5th one is the waking one. The first four just provide the build-up. I might hear them, I might register them, but I dont register them for what they actually are. Let me give you an example. It happened just this morning...
My 6:30 alarm is the initial 20 seconds of the Tamizha Tamizha song. And so I hear it in my sleep. I realise that I am dreaming. I wait with immense expectation for Hariharan's voice...and...nothing! The music repeats itself. This time I think about the backdrop against which Rahman initially composed this song (the Cauvery riots), and wait expectantly...and...nothing! That's when it hits me that the music isn't in my head, but it's the damn alarm!

Yup...that's how bad I am.

But getting back to sleeping.
I know of people who just need to put their head on the pillow, and they are flat out gone.
I know of others who just need the driver of the bus/car to switch on the ignition, and they are snoring by the time the gears have fallen.
And then there is me.

I close my eyes. And then begin thinking. Incoherent rambling. Something like my blog.
Every 10 minutes I force myself to fall asleep, and end up thinking even more of unconnected things. It eventually takes almost an hour or so before I think I stop thinking.
(Of course there could be occassions when I could be up the entire night...but those stories are for a different day, different audience)

I envy all the people for whom sleep is not an effort. And I just wish it were the same for me as well...sigh.


At 3:25 AM, Blogger Hansolo said...

Bro as far as waking up is concerned listen to Korn's Twisted Transistor at 6:30 am and i'm sure you will be up n runnin in no time.


At 3:55 AM, Blogger Avi said...

:) "I know of others who just need the driver of the bus/car to switch on the ignition, and they are snoring by the time the gears have fallen." What losers I must say! Bah!

At 10:58 PM, Blogger Anushya said...

I had this room mate who would pat herself and sing herself to sleep.Believe me,it worked!!Ofcourse,it kept the rest of us awake but well we were an altruistic lot and we liked her better sleeping.

Try it.Also try getting those fans that make a dull,droning,rhythmic noise.

Or you could just read bits out of books that go by names like..."American commonwealth" or "Guide to the parabola of joy" and jazz like that.

At 5:04 AM, Blogger freakphase said...

“Of course there could be occassions when I could be up the entire night...”

Am I the only one who senses the innuendo here?

At 6:52 AM, Blogger freakphase said...

Poor guy!

At 1:23 AM, Blogger Punk Floyd said...

I knew a guy once who also got rubber sheets along with him during sleep overs (when he wasnt coughing that is)

At 10:32 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

I try saying 'om' the 3rd 'om' and in sleep land... I too had many alarm clocks.. one would be inside the cupboard, kept there with the eternal hope of me rising from the bed,waalking to the cupboard, opening the door and switching off the darned thing...eventually the battery died..
Now I have three kids.. who don't know anything about the 'right time' to wake up!!

At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

check out steve pavlina's articles on sleeping...he has already solved the problem, all you need to do is execute on it:-)

Albert Pinto

At 7:36 AM, Blogger ancientmariner said...

m with u on this....even i find it hard to sleep esp on a sat morning, i used to wake up at 7 when others ( including avinash rao) slept till 11 !!!!!!.....where art thou ' o god of sleep ( BTW is thr anyone like tht..?/)

At 11:52 PM, Blogger pophabhi said...

I could have joined with you in the club, Chilli - one month back. Now I stand cured - for how long, god knows!

Great thoughts :)

At 11:54 PM, Blogger GD said...

Jog for 20 mins ..and u will fall asleep within seconds .. Get yourself tirrrrrrrrreeeddd.. I know jogging is borring, you can contact Avinash for help :)

At 9:34 AM, Blogger laksnj said...

>>How do you sleep?

I sleep with my eyes closed.

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Aneeshji / അനീഷ്ജി said...

nice style of writing man...


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