Thursday, September 08, 2005

"Dinner? Why? No reason."

I am inexorably dragged to the tagline. Yup, the same “Love has no reason. Only season”. It seems to be a template for higher things.

Let me talk about that later. Right now I want to talk about something that is very close to my heart. Sample this conversation:
X: Dude, are you free for dinner tonight?
Y: Hmm…why? Is it somebody’s treat or something?
X: Hey no…just like that. I was bored, wanted to know whether dinner would be good…
Y: Yup. No problem. Decide the place, I shall be there.
X: Great!

It seems to be a very very simple conversation. But I find it incredible. As in not “unbelievable”, but as in “incredible” feeling. I have been either X or Y a million times, and the responses have always been the same.

I do not know whether it is just me…but I find the concept of “dinners without reason” truly exciting. Birthday treats, movies, etc all have an agenda attached along with them. You are there to celebrate something with somebody. But not so with DWRs. You make it to these dinners only because you are spending time with your friends. No other reason. It has this undertone of unconditionality that I find moving.

I can remember the countless number of evenings/nights spent at a Java City, or a Barista, or (insert famous coffee shop/eating place), etc just enjoying the bad food, and relishing the splendid conversation. Conversation that predominantly revolves around our lives, with a sprinkling of politics, sports, movies, and other worldly crap. The non-personal topics are typical chewing matter for conversations with friends, acquaintances, colleagues, auto drivers…but not with your best friends. Atleast that is how I think it should be.

I am lucky to be around such people in the Gang. People who would do their best to make it for dinner, coffee, etc. Just to be with us. There is nothing we are getting to the dinner, but us…but that should suffice. Right? I guess so…

For all those ridiculing this concept, I can only offer my sympathies. You are just missing out on something truly special.

If things go right, there should be a DWR that should double up as a FNU tonight. The wait seems long, but pleasant. I can understand the “Long days, pleasant nights” greeting of Stephen King’s Mid-World even better now.

Oh, before I end a word on the tagline.
Dinners have no reason. Only ‘cya soon’.

Cya soon.


At 1:58 AM, Blogger Dhimant Parekh said...

Well said dude :-)

And I must also add that we guys are ensuring the survival of the restaurants in Bangalore.
Survival of atleast quite a few coffee shops.
"What say?" Hahaha.

At 3:38 AM, Blogger Sridhar Raman said...

Absolutely. Just like how the Devil has single-handedly supported TGIF. :P

>>"What say?" Hahaha.

At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dinner without any reason - only if you bitches are on time;-)


At 8:21 AM, Blogger Rosh said...

Well said man, itz alwayz the frds tat matters than the food we eat.


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