Chilli Flakes
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Protest Against Proposed Metro Corridor on Nanda Road, Jayanagar - Apr 19th, 2009
Please be there.
Save Lalbagh, Save Nanda Road, Save Bangalore’s future

Nanda Road, Jayanagar (courtesy M.A.Ravinder)
Join the protest against the impending destruction of Nanda Road, Jayanagar
Sunday, Apr 19, 5pm, 32nd Cross, Nanda Road
The Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation (BMRCL) plans to route the Metro through Nanda Road, which will cause the felling of 323 trees on this majestic avenue, and destruction of Lakshman Rao Park. Earlier this week 500 feet of Lalbagh's wall was demolished and trees were illegaly felled inside Lalbagh.
This protest is in continuation of the successful protests we held at Lalbagh's West Gate on April 15 and 17.
Come in large numbers. Bring expressive posters
Simply Stated
Bangalore’s Metro can go underground and save the city and its landmarks for posterity.
We urge the Government to scrap the totally unnecessary Rs. 3,000 crores investment in the High Speed Rail Link from M G Road to Bangalore airport, which will serve the needs of only 30,000 air travellers.
We demand the Government invest this Rs. 3000 crores to take the Metro Underground – and serve the needs of lakhs of people now and in future.
This is techno-economically possible, if there is political will and vision.
Want to know more? Read on.
Metro's Impact on Lalbagh
1135.18 square metres of Lalbagh Botanical Garden has been acquired for a Metro Station.
This has been done by an Ordinance to the Karnataka Parks Act, without prior public consultation or democratic debate.
Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL) has demolished 500 ft of the wall and cut 5 trees along the Lal Bagh West Gate on 13th-14th April
This will surely lead to a greater portion of the park being taken away to create parking zones and malls at the Metro stations, as planned.
Metro's Impact on Nanda Road and Other Parks
When BMRCL sought clearance, it claimed that trees on Nanda Road will only be pruned, not cut.
Now in response to an RTI application BMRCL has confirmed that 323 trees will be cut on Nanda – RV road. That is ALMOST ALL TREES ON NANDA ROAD WILL BE CUT.
42 other trees will be pruned and cause a huge loss in Nanda road, tree canopy and park areas
BMRCL also plans to acquire land in Indira Gandhi Musical Fountain and Cubbon Park and trees will come under the axe.
The alignment through Lalbagh and Nanda Road has been extended to Kanakapura Road in total contravention of the Karnataka Town and Country Planning Act, and is likely to be an economic disaster as the potential ridership here is not very significant.
This metro phase is illegal because…
The BBMP Tree Officer has confirmed that the tree cutting in Lalbagh was not approved at all. If this can happen to trees in Lalbagh, you can imagine what this means to trees across the city.
The High Court of Karnataka is hearing a PIL over alternatives in Metro alignment, and in total indifference to this process, work is in progress.
On 16th March 2009, the High Court of Karnataka ruled in a PIL filed by Environment Support Group and ors. (WP 7107/2008) categorically instructing all urban infrastructure development agencies to "strictly follow" the provisions of the Karnataka Town and Country Planning Act (KTCPA) and the Karnataka Tree Preservation Act. This order is binding on the BBMP, BMRCL and BDA.
This KTCPA requires planning and implementation authorities to evolve projects in consultation with the Public. It demands a detailed process of enquiry into socio-economic and environmental impact of projects undertaken, by transparently devising public plans. None of these statutory provisions have been followed for Metro construction in Lalbagh and Nanda Road or its extension to Kanakapura Road.
As per the electoral code of conduct, no fresh infrastructural developmental projects can be initiated during election time
Major landmarks will be destroyed for a project that may not effectively serve public transport needs.
Jayanagar MLA Mr. B N Vijaykumar (BJP) is on record to state that this alignment was fixed without any consultation with Legislators or the public. He has stated that investing Rs. 2,000 crores more would save this city from certain ruin by the Metro.
Dr. Hemachandra Sagar, another BJP MLA has joined protests against the Metro alignment through Lalbagh in November 2008.
Mr. Dinesh Gundu Rao (Congress I), MLA, has also joined protests against this alignment in November 2008 and called for a debate before taking up work. Yet the ordinance was passed by the present Government, escaping public and political debate, thus tearing at the very heart of democracy.
Mr. Narendra Babu, MLA (Congress I) has joined protests and called for a democratic debate on the Metro alingnment.
Bangalore South Lok Sabha Candidates have woken up to our collective call.
Some have taken a stand on the issue.
Capt. Gopinath and Mr. Santosh Min, both Independent candidates, have called for a stop of Metro construction through Lalbagh and said the Metro should go underground and save the city and its public ommons. Capt. Gopinath has expressed concern that taking up the Metro in this waywould “destroy the entire character” of Bangalore and asserted “There are some things that are not touched”.
Mr. Krishna Byregowda, Congress I candidate, has stated that he wants the Metro but not “by destroying the cultural or historical heritage like Lalbagh”.
Mr. Ananth Kumar (BJP candidate) and Prof. Radhakrishna (Janata Dal S candidate) have said nothing at all on this issue.
This is not an issue only for Bangalore South Candidates, but should be an issue for all candidates. CALL YOUR CANDIDATE TODAY AND ASK HIM/HER TO TAKE A STAND.
Namma metro? YAARA METRO?
The Metro Phase 1 will be ready only 5 years from now and costs tax payers 9000 crores.
Yet, it will carry only 10 lakh passengers (12%) of Greater Bangalore’s population in 2012. The BMTC already carries 38 lakh passengers daily.
If Metro has to be extended to the whole city there will be continuous construction for the next 100 years, impacting nearly 3 generations.
Traffic congestion will be far worse, because only a small part of Bangalore is going to use the Metro, but the infrastructure will eat into existing road space.
What can YOU do?
Join the protests and follow up actions.
Spread the word to people in your neighbourhood, schools, colleges, clubs, associations etc
Photocopy this leaflet and distribute to passers by
Get creative! Use theatre, radio, film, art, music, dance creatively to express your opinion
Get support from your local ward officer, Government bodies, Resident Welfare Associations and other citizens initiatives
Get support from local candidates in your constituency
Mobilise the youth from colleges and schools in your area
Stay informed. Subscribe to mailing list.
Mail your phone numbers to for immediate updates through sms
For more information on the impacts of Metro and other infrastructure projects like road widening, visit Hasiru Usiru and ESG India
Our trees belong with you and me
For details, please contact or 98802 83974 or 98805 95032
All data presented here has been gathered through RTI applications, discussions with officials, newsreports, etc.
Issued in the public interest by Hasiru Usiru, a network of individuals and organisations working to protect public spaces, public commons and urban greens in and around Bangalore .